Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Plants, butterflies, and Sorting

This post is a summary of some of the things we have done this week. On Tuesday, we started learning about plants. We read about the things plants need in order to grow (sun, water, and soil). Then, we put what we learned to good use and planted our own plants. Each student planted a marigold seed in their own individual pot. The pots are in the window, so they will get plenty of sun. Also, it is the students job to help water them everyday. We are so excited to see them grow!
In other news, both caterpillars are in their chrysalises. I have placed both chrysalises on a stick in a butterfly net. We love watching them everyday, and we have been recording their progress in our butterfly journals 1 to 2 times a week.
Today, we did a fun math project. Each student was given many fish, and we had to decide the different ways we could sort the fish. After we practiced sorting them several different ways, the students chose one of those ways to sort their fish and glued them to their piece of paper. They did awesome! Also, we made a class pet graph in math yesterday. The students had to draw pictures of all the pets they own on individual pieces of paper. Then, we graphed our class' pets. Our class has a lot of dogs!

A friend holding up his flower pot
Here are our pots sitting in the window - Grow, grow, grow!:
Our chrysalises in the butterfly net:
An example of a page from a friend's butterfly journal:
A few friends with their fish sorting projects
This is our new student - she joined our class last week!
Here are some of the finished projects in the hallway:
Our class pet graph:

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