Monday, April 25, 2011

More Jelly Bean Fun!

Today, we finished our Sing to Read book called, "Jelly Beans." I managed to get a video clip of each group reading it. We also taste tested Starburst Jelly Beans today. Each student tried every flavor. Then, we graphed our favorite flavors. Cherry was our class' favorite! Lastly, we began our first of five Junior Achievement lessons. An employee from Bank of America is volunteering her time to teach us about economics (in Kindergarten terms). Today, she read them a story about a student visiting a farm. They talked about life on a farm and about selling and trading crops. Then, she had each student draw their favorite animal. Also, she gave them neat Junior Achievement magnets. They can't wait for their next lesson on Wednesday!

Each group reading their "Jelly Bean" book:

Our favorite Starburst Jelly Bean graph:
Ms. Sandra reading to the class:
Drawing their favorite animals:
B's favorite animal was a flamingo!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Miss Ripperger's Class,
    My name is Lorraine Long. My friend Mary Lou and I wrote the Jelly Bean book when we were teaching kindergarten. I heard all of you reading your Jelly Bean books from your website. What a class of fantastic readers! I also saw your beautifully illustrated books. Looks like you have a wonderful teacher. :> I bet all of you are getting ready for first grade. Have a super summer. Sincerely, Mrs. Lorraine Long
