Monday, January 11, 2010

Our Favorite Color Book

Today, we made a class book about our favorite colors. Each student selected their favorite color and wrote it at the end of this sentence, "My favorite color is.....". Then, I told them that they would need to illustrate their page. We discussed how their illustrations would need to match their favorite color. So, if their favorite color was blue, they would need to draw pictures that are blue. We brainstormed as a class some things we could draw if our favorite color was blue (i.e. jeans, clouds, raindrops, a blue crayon). They did a wonderful job following directions and they came up with illustrations I never thought about. Later in the day, I bound the book and we read it together as a class. The book is now in our reading center for them to read.
We also had an introduction to calculators in math. I taught them about the on/c button. I also gave them numbers, and they had to punch the numbers into their calculator (i.e. 17 or 21). Then, they would press the on/c button, and I would give them another number. They loved it!

A friend illustrated the cover using many different kinds of colors
A few pages from our book


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