Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Working with clocks

We learned how to tell time to the hour today. We learned that the long hand is always on the twelve, and the short hand tells them the hour. After seeing me working with my large clock, they each received small clocks. I had them make many different times and show me. Then, I read a version of Hickory Dickory Dock. Throughout the story, it instructed them to make different times with their small clocks. Afterwords, they completed a worksheet using their clocks to figure out the times. Tomorrow, we will be doing another time activity. We also had our big testing assembly. We always have a huge assembly before state assessments for the 3rd-5th graders. It's great for the kindergarteners to see this because they will be taking the tests in the near future. It definitely got them excited, especially when they saw the T-West High School drumline.
Working with the clocks
The T-West drumline at the testing assembly
They were very proud of their block castle

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