Monday, January 25, 2010

Mr. Snowman and Art with Mrs. O'Hara

Today, we played another fun, snowman game. This game involved following directions. I sang a song that gave them the directions for how to make their snowman. For example, one lyric of the song told them to put 6 buttons on their snowman. I attached a picture of a student's finished snowman that has the words to the song on it. We even made a few lyrics of our own in order to make the arms, scarf, and mittens.
In Art class, they have been making Eye Spy posters for different colors (i.e. I Spy Something Purple). Today, they were making the green poster. They discussed all of the things that are green. Mrs. O'Hara wanted specific things and not just things that could be green like shoes or shirts. The students came up with turtles, broccoli, trees, frogs, pears, lettuce, and leaves. Then, they made their pictures for the Eye Spy posters that will be hanging outside of the art room. They had all different shades of green crayons and markers that they could use.
Lastly, I have some fun pictures to share with you from centers.

A finished Mr. Snowman with the song lyrics
Making their green pictures for the Eye Spy poster in Art class
She completed a 24 piece puzzle all by herself!
Holding up some hearts that they made in Art Center
Some impressive block towers
Playing educational games at in Computer Center
Playing in the Drama/Kitchen Center

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