Friday, January 15, 2010

Study Buddies and a Birthday

Today, was B's 6th birthday. Unfortunately, he went home sick. We've had a bug going around Kindergarten. B was kind enough to leave his treats with us. We enjoyed the cupcakes, but we were sad he couldn't celebrate with us. We also had our study buddies come visit us today. We were very excited because we haven't seen them since before our holiday break. We played Roll-a-Snowman with them. The students took turns rolling dice. The number they rolled told them what part to draw on their snowman (i.e. hat, nose, etc.) The first person to get a finished snowman won. Then, all of the players were able to finish their snowmen too.

Happy Birthday B! (He wasn't feeling well at all)
Enjoying B's cupcakes
Playing Roll-a-Snowman with our study buddies
Here's a peek at the game and a friend's completed snowman

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